ASBIE1026 |
BSP Master. Details |
eFTI data set master content |
ASBIE1027 |
BSP Master. Specified. Supply Chain_ Consignment |
eFTI data set consignment |
The consignment is a separately identifiable collection of consignment Items (available to be) transported from only one consignor to only one consignee via one or more modes of transport. A consignment can be at a master level which covers a consolidated cargo (could be a single house level consignment or more than one) contracted between freight forwarder as the consignor and a carrier, or at house level which covers the cargo contracted to be moved by the freight forwarder on behalf of the buyer or the seller. In addition in case of road, it can also be at a subcontract level which covers the case of a road carrier (aka. haulier) contracted to move the goods on behalf of another road carrier. |
eFTI39 |
Supply Chain_ Consignment. Carrier Acceptance. Date Time |
The consignment carrier acceptance date/time. |
eFTI40 |
Date Time. Format. Text |
The code of the format of the date/time content. |
eFTI41 |
Supply Chain_ Consignment. Gross Weight. Measure |
A measure of the gross weight (mass) of this consignment which includes the weight of packaging but which excludes the weight of any transport equipment. |
eFTI42 |
Measure Unit. Code |
A code specifying a unit of measure. |
eFTI43 |
Supply Chain_ Consignment. Net Weight. Measure |
The measure of the net weight (mass) of this consignment which excludes the weight of packaging and that of any transport equipment. |
eFTI44 |
Measure Unit. Code |
A code specifying a unit of measure. |
eFTI45 |
Supply Chain_ Consignment. Gross Volume. Measure |
The measure of the gross volume, normally calculated by multiplying the maximum length, width and height of this consignment. |
eFTI46 |
Measure Unit. Code |
A code specifying a unit of measure. |
eFTI854 |
Supply Chain_ Consignment. COD. Amount |
The monetary value of the Cash On Delivery (COD) amount to be collected by the carrier upon delivery of this supply chain consignment. |
eFTI855 |
Amount Currency. Identifier |
The code of the currency of the amount. |
eFTI47 |
Supply Chain_ Consignment. Package. Quantity |
The number of packages within this consignment. |
eFTI1146 |
Supply Chain_ Consignment. Transport Equipment. Quantity |
Transport equipment quantity |
The number of pieces of transport equipment, such as containers or similar unit load devices, in this supply chain consignment. |
eFTI48 |
Supply Chain_ Consignment. Information. Text |
Additional information for this supply chain consignment. |
eFTI1149 |
Supply Chain_ Consignment. Declared Value For Carriage. Amount |
Declared value for carriage amount |
The monetary value of this supply chain consignment declared for carriage purposes. |
eFTI1150 |
Amount Currency. Identifier |
The code of the currency of the amount.
eFTI1307 |
Supply Chain_ Consignment. Payment Arrangement. Code |
The payment arrangements code for this supply chain consignment. |
eFTI1308 |
Code List. Agency. Identifier |
The code of an agency that maintains one or more code lists. |
UN/ECE (United Nations - Economic Commission for Europe) |
eFTI1151 |
Supply Chain_ Consignment. Delivery_ Information. Text |
Delivery information for this supply chain consignment. |
eFTI856 |
Supply Chain_ Consignment. Cargo Insurance Instructions_ Information. Text |
Cargo insurance instructions |
Cargo insurance instructions for this supply chain consignment. |
eFTI857 |
Supply Chain_ Consignment. Transshipment Permission. Indicator |
Transshipment permitted indicator |
The indication of whether or not transshipment is permitted for this supply chain consignment. |
eFTI858 |
Supply Chain_ Consignment. Consignor Provided_ Information. Text |
Consignor provided information |
Information provided by the consignor for this supply chain consignment. |
eFTI1309 |
Supply Chain_ Consignment. Contract Terms_ Information. Text |
Contract terms and conditions for this supply chain consignment. |
ASBIE1028 |
Supply Chain_ Consignment. Consignor. Trade_ Party |
The consignor (aka sender of the goods) is the party defined, in the contract of carriage as the party sending the consignment (goods) to be delivered whether by land, sea or air. The consignor could be the entreprise which consigns goods either on its own behalf or for a third party. |
eFTI49 |
Trade_ Party. Identification. Identifier |
The identification number for the consignor. |
eFTI50 |
Identification Scheme Agency. Identifier |
Identification scheme agency code |
The code of the agency that maintains the identification scheme. |
eFTI51 |
Trade_ Party. Name. Text |
The name of the consignor. |
ASBIE1029 |
Trade_ Party. Defined. Trade_ Contact |
The contact information for the consignor such as telephone number and email address. |
ASBIE1030 |
Trade_ Contact. Telephone. Universal_ Communication |
The complete telephone number information for this consignor contact. |
eFTI52 |
Universal_ Communication. Complete Number. Text |
Complete telephone number |
The complete telephone number for this consignor contact. |
ASBIE1031 |
Trade_ Contact. Email_ URI. Universal_ Communication |
The email address information of this consignor contact. |
eFTI53 |
Universal_ Communication. URI. Identifier |
The email address for this consignor contact. |
ASBIE1032 |
Trade_ Party. Postal. Trade_ Address |
The postal address of the consignor. |
eFTI54 |
Trade_ Address. Postcode. Code |
The postal code of the address for this consignor party. |
eFTI55 |
Trade_ Address. Post Office Box. Text |
The identifier of the postal office box or other postal service location, assigned to a person or organization, where postal items may be kept for this consignor. |
eFTI56 |
Trade_ Address. Street Name. Text |
The street name of this consignor address. |
eFTI57 |
Trade_ Address. City Name. Text |
The name of the city, town or village for this consignor address. |
eFTI58 |
Trade_ Address. Country. Identifier |
The country code of this consignor address. |
eFTI59 |
Trade_ Address. Country Sub-Division Name. Text |
Country sub-division name |
The country sub-division name of this consignor address. |
eFTI60 |
Trade_ Address. Building Number. Text |
The building number for this consignor address. |
eFTI61 |
Trade_ Address. Department Name. Text |
The name of the department for this consignor address. |
eFTI62 |
Trade_ Address. Additional_ Street Name. Text |
The house number of the street or the place for this consignor address. |
ASBIE1440 |
Trade_ Party. Specified. Tax_ Registration |
A tax registration specified for this consignor. |
eFTI859 |
Tax_ Registration. Identification. Identifier |
The identifier of this consignor tax registration. |
eFTI860 |
Identification Scheme Agency. Identifier |
Identification scheme agency code |
The code of the agency that maintains the identification scheme. |
CH, Administration federale des contributions |
ASBIE1278 |
Trade_ Party. Specified. Contact_ Person |
Individual consignor person |
An individual person who is the consignor. |
eFTI1152 |
Contact_ Person. Given Name. Text |
The given name of this individual consignor. |
eFTI1154 |
Contact_ Person. Family Name. Text |
The surname of this individual consignor. |
ASBIE1441 |
Trade_ Party. Owned. Creditor_ Financial Account |
Creditor Financial Account |
The creditor financial account for this consignor. |
eFTI1404 |
Creditor_ Financial Account. Proprietary_ Identification. Identifier |
The identifier of this consignor creditor financial account. |
eFTI1405 |
Identification Scheme Agency. Identifier |
Identification scheme agency code |
The code of the agency that maintains the identification scheme. |
ASBIE1033 |
Trade_ Party. Confirmed. Document_ Authentication |
Confirmed data set authentication |
A confirmation by the consignor that this data set is authenticated as genuine. |
eFTI65 |
Document_ Authentication. Statement. Code |
Authentication Statement Code |
The code of the confirmation statement by the consignor that this data set is authenticated as genuine. |
ASBIE1034 |
Supply Chain_ Consignment. Consignee. Trade_ Party |
The consignee (aka receiver of the goods) is the party defined, in the contract of carriage, as the party receiving the consignment (goods) sent by the consignor to be delivered whether by land, sea or air. If the transport operation takes place without a contract of carriage, the entreprise which takes charge of the goods on arrival shall be deemed to be the consignee. |
eFTI66 |
Trade_ Party. Identification. Identifier |
The identification number for this consignee. |
eFTI67 |
Identification Scheme Agency. Identifier |
Identification scheme agency code |
The code of the agency that maintains the identification scheme. |
eFTI68 |
Trade_ Party. Name. Text |
The name of the consignee. |
ASBIE1035 |
Trade_ Party. Defined. Trade_ Contact |
The contact information for the consignee such as telephone number and email address. |
eFTI69 |
Trade_ Contact. Person Name. Text |
The name of this consignee contact person. |
ASBIE1036 |
Trade_ Contact. Telephone. Universal_ Communication |
The telephone number information for this consignee contact. |
eFTI71 |
Universal_ Communication. Complete Number. Text |
Complete telephone number |
The complete telephone number for this consignee contact. |
ASBIE1654 |
Trade_ Contact. Fax. Universal_ Communication |
The fax related information for this consignee contact. |
eFTI1455 |
Universal_ Communication. Complete Number. Text |
The complete fax number for this consignee contact. |
ASBIE1655 |
Trade_ Contact. Email_ URI. Universal_ Communication |
The email address information of this consignee contact. |
eFTI1457 |
Universal_ Communication. URI. Identifier |
The email address for this consignee contact. |
ASBIE1037 |
Trade_ Party. Postal. Trade_ Address |
The postal address for the consignee party. |
eFTI72 |
Trade_ Address. Postcode. Code |
The postal code of the address for this consignee party. |
eFTI73 |
Trade_ Address. Post Office Box. Text |
The identifier of the postal office box or other postal service location, assigned to a person or organization, where postal items may be kept for this consignee. |
eFTI74 |
Trade_ Address. Street Name. Text |
The street name of this consignee address. |
eFTI75 |
Trade_ Address. City Name. Text |
The name, of the city, town or village for this consignee address. |
eFTI76 |
Trade_ Address. Country. Identifier |
The country code of this consignee address. |
eFTI77 |
Trade_ Address. Country Sub-Division Name. Text |
Country sub-division name |
The country sub-division name for this consignee address. |
eFTI78 |
Trade_ Address. Building Number. Text |
The building number for this consignee address. |
eFTI81 |
Trade_ Address. Additional_ Street Name. Text |
The house number of the street or the place for this consignee address. |
ASBIE1656 |
Trade_ Party. Specified. Tax_ Registration |
A tax registration specified for this consignee. |
eFTI1458 |
Tax_ Registration. Identification. Identifier |
The identifier of this consignee tax registration. |
eFTI1459 |
Identification Scheme Agency. Identifier |
Identification scheme agency code |
The code of the agency that maintains the identification scheme. |
SE, tax ID maintaining authority |
BE, tax ID maintaining authority |
AT, tax ID maintaining authority |
DE, tax ID maintaining authority |
BG, tax ID maintaining authority |
ASBIE1279 |
Trade_ Party. Specified. Contact_ Person |
Individual Consignee Person |
An individual person who is the consignee. |
eFTI1156 |
Contact_ Person. Given Name. Text |
The given name of this individual consignee. |
eFTI1158 |
Contact_ Person. Family Name. Text |
The surname of this individual consignee. |
ASBIE1038 |
Trade_ Party. Confirmed. Document_ Authentication |
Confirmed data set authentication |
A confirmation by the consignee that this data set is authenticated as genuine. |
eFTI84 |
Document_ Authentication. Statement. Code |
Authentication statement code |
The code of the confirmation statement by the consignee that this data set is authenticated as genuine. |
ASBIE1039 |
Supply Chain_ Consignment. Carrier. Trade_ Party |
The carrier means the enterprise which carries out the transport operation with or without a transport contract. If there is a contract, then it is the party defined in the carriage contract as the one that provides the transport services for this consignment of goods. |
eFTI85 |
Trade_ Party. Identification. Identifier |
The identification number for this carrier. |
eFTI86 |
Identification Scheme Agency. Identifier |
Identification scheme agency code |
The code of the agency that maintains the identification scheme. |
UIC (International union of railways) |
BIC (Bureau International des Containeurs) |
FR, DGI (Direction Generale des Impots) |
eFTI87 |
Trade_ Party. Name. Text |
The code specifying the role of the carrier such as a subcontractor. |
ASBIE1040 |
Trade_ Party. Defined. Trade_ Contact |
The contact information for the carrier such as telephone number and email address. |
eFTI89 |
Trade_ Contact. Person Name. Text |
The name of this carrier contact person. |
ASBIE1041 |
Trade_ Contact. Telephone. Universal_ Communication |
The telephone number information for this carrier contact. |
eFTI91 |
Universal_ Communication. Complete Number. Text |
Complete telephone number |
The complete telephone number for this carrier contact. |
ASBIE1044 |
Trade_ Party. Postal. Trade_ Address |
The postal address for the carrier. |
eFTI98 |
Trade_ Address. Postcode. Code |
The postal code of the address for this carrier party. |
eFTI99 |
Trade_ Address. Post Office Box. Text |
The identifier of the postal office box or other postal service location, assigned to a person or organization, where postal items may be kept for this carrier. |
eFTI100 |
Trade_ Address. Street Name. Text |
The street name of this carrier address. |
eFTI101 |
Trade_ Address. City Name. Text |
The name of the city, town or village for this carrier address. |
eFTI102 |
Trade_ Address. Country. Identifier |
The country code of the carrier address. |
eFTI103 |
Trade_ Address. Country Sub-Division Name. Text |
Country sub-division name |
The country sub-division name of this carrier address. |
eFTI104 |
Trade_ Address. Building Number. Text |
The building number for this carrier address. |
eFTI106 |
Trade_ Address. Additional_ Street Name. Text |
The house number of the street or the place for this carrier address. |
ASBIE1442 |
Trade_ Party. Specified. Tax_ Registration |
A tax registration specified for this carrier. |
eFTI864 |
Tax_ Registration. Identification. Identifier |
The identifier of this carrier tax registration. |
eFTI865 |
Identification Scheme Agency. Identifier |
Identification scheme agency code |
The code of the agency that maintains the identification scheme. |
SE, tax ID maintaining authority |
BE, tax ID maintaining authority |
AT, tax ID maintaining authority |
DE, tax ID maintaining authority |
BG, tax ID maintaining authority |
ASBIE1280 |
Trade_ Party. Specified. Contact_ Person |
Individual Carrier Person |
An individual person who is the carrier. |
eFTI1160 |
Contact_ Person. Given Name. Text |
The given name of this individual carrier. |
eFTI1162 |
Contact_ Person. Family Name. Text |
The surname of this individual carrier. |
ASBIE1281 |
Trade_ Party. Agreed. Trade_ Contract |
A contract agreed with this carrier. |
eFTI1164 |
Trade_ Contract. Issue. Date Time |
The issue date/time of this carrier contract. |
eFTI1165 |
Date Time. Format. Text |
The code of the format of the date/time content. |
eFTI1406 |
Trade_ Contract. Specified_ Duration. Measure |
The duration of this carrier contract. |
eFTI1407 |
Measure Unit. Code |
A code specifying a unit of measure. |
ASBIE1282 |
Trade_ Contract. Signed. Specified_ Location |
The location where this carrier contract was signed. |
eFTI1166 |
Specified_ Location. Name. Text |
The name of this carrier contract signature location. |
ASBIE1283 |
Trade_ Party. Applicable. Specified_ Licence |
A licence applicable to this carrier. |
eFTI1169 |
Specified_ Licence. Identification. Identifier |
An identifier of this specified connecting carrier licence. |
eFTI1170 |
Identification Scheme Agency. Identifier |
Identification scheme agency code |
The code of the agency that maintains the identification scheme. |
eFTI1171 |
Specified_ Licence. Type. Code |
The code of the type of this carrier licence. |
eFTI1172 |
Code List. Agency. Identifier |
The code of an agency that maintains one or more code lists. |
CEC (Commission of the European Communities) |
ASBIE1045 |
Trade_ Party. Confirmed. Document_ Authentication |
Confirmed data set authentication |
A confirmation by the carrier that this data set is authenticated as genuine. |
eFTI115 |
Document_ Authentication. Statement. Code |
Authentication statement code |
The code of the confirmation statement by the carrier that this data set is authenticated as genuine. |
ASBIE1388 |
Supply Chain_ Consignment. Freight Forwarder. Trade_ Party |
The freight forwarder for this supply chain consignment. |
eFTI1310 |
Trade_ Party. Name. Text |
The name of the freight forwarder. |
ASBIE1389 |
Trade_ Party. Postal. Trade_ Address |
The postal address for the freight forwarder. |
eFTI1312 |
Trade_ Address. Postcode. Code |
The postal code of the address for this freight forwarder. |
eFTI1313 |
Trade_ Address. Post Office Box. Text |
The identifier of the postal office box or other postal service location, assigned to a person or organization, where postal items may be kept for this freight forwarder. |
eFTI1315 |
Trade_ Address. Street Name. Text |
The street name of this freight forwarder address. |
eFTI1316 |
Trade_ Address. City Name. Text |
The name of the city, town or village for this freight forwarder address. |
eFTI1317 |
Trade_ Address. Country. Identifier |
The country code of the freight forwarder address. |
eFTI1319 |
Trade_ Address. Country Sub-Division Name. Text |
Country sub-division name |
The country sub-division name of this freight forwarder address. |
eFTI1320 |
Trade_ Address. Building Number. Text |
The building number for this freight forwarder address. |
eFTI1322 |
Trade_ Address. Department Name. Text |
The name of the department for this freight forwarder address. |
eFTI1324 |
Trade_ Address. Additional_ Street Name. Text |
The house number of the street or the place for this freight forwarder address. |
ASBIE1046 |
Supply Chain_ Consignment. Connecting Carrier. Trade_ Party |
The connecting carrier is a subcontractor who signs a connecting carrier contract with the initial carrier agreeing to carry goods to a defined destination on their behalf. |
eFTI116 |
Trade_ Party. Identification. Identifier |
The identification number for this connecting carrier. |
eFTI117 |
Identification Scheme Agency. Identifier |
Identification scheme agency code |
The code of the agency that maintains the identification scheme. |
eFTI118 |
Trade_ Party. Name. Text |
The name of the connecting carrier. |
ASBIE1047 |
Trade_ Party. Postal. Trade_ Address |
The postal address for the connecting carrier. |
eFTI123 |
Trade_ Address. Postcode. Code |
The postal code of the address for this connecting carrier party. |
eFTI124 |
Trade_ Address. Post Office Box. Text |
The identifier of the postal office box or other postal service location, assigned to a person or organization, where postal items may be kept for this connecting carrier. |
eFTI125 |
Trade_ Address. Street Name. Text |
The street name of this connecting carrier address. |
eFTI126 |
Trade_ Address. City Name. Text |
The name of the city, town or village for this connecting carrier address. |
eFTI127 |
Trade_ Address. Country. Identifier |
The country code of the connecting carrier address. |
eFTI128 |
Trade_ Address. Country Sub-Division Name. Text |
Country sub-division name |
The country sub-division name of this connecting carrier address. |
eFTI129 |
Trade_ Address. Building Number. Text |
The building number for this connecting carrier address. |
eFTI132 |
Trade_ Address. Additional_ Street Name. Text |
The house number of the street or the place for this connecting carrier address. |
ASBIE1284 |
Trade_ Party. Applicable. Specified_ Licence |
A licence applicable to this connecting carrier. |
eFTI1173 |
Specified_ Licence. Identification. Identifier |
An identifier of this specified connecting carrier licence. |
eFTI1174 |
Identification Scheme Agency. Identifier |
Identification scheme agency code |
The code of the agency that maintains the identification scheme. |
eFTI1175 |
Specified_ Licence. Type. Code |
The code of the type of this connecting carrier licence. |
eFTI1176 |
Code List. Agency. Identifier |
The code of an agency that maintains one or more code lists. |
CEC (Commission of the European Communities) |
ASBIE1048 |
Supply Chain_ Consignment. Carrier Acceptance. Logistics_ Location |
Carrier acceptance location |
The location where this consignment will be, or has been, accepted by the carrier. |
eFTI136 |
Logistics_ Location. Identification. Identifier |
The identifier of the carrier acceptance location, such as a United Nations Location Code (UN/LOCODE). |
eFTI137 |
Identification Scheme Agency. Identifier |
Identification scheme agency code |
The code of the agency that maintains the identification scheme. |
UN/ECE (United Nations - Economic Commission for Europe) |
eFTI138 |
Logistics_ Location. Name. Text |
The name of the carrier acceptance location. |
ASBIE1049 |
Logistics_ Location. Physical. Geographical Coordinate |
The geographical coordinates of the carrier acceptance location. |
eFTI139 |
Geographical Coordinate. Latitude. Measure |
The latitude of the carrier acceptance location. |
eFTI140 |
Geographical Coordinate. Longitude. Measure |
The longitude of the carrier acceptance location. |
ASBIE1050 |
Logistics_ Location. Postal. Trade_ Address |
The postal address of the carrier acceptance location. |
eFTI141 |
Trade_ Address. Postcode. Code |
The postal code of the address of this carrier acceptance location. |
eFTI144 |
Trade_ Address. Street Name. Text |
The street name of the address of this carrier acceptance location. |
eFTI145 |
Trade_ Address. City Name. Text |
The name of the city, town or village of the address of this carrier acceptance location. |
eFTI146 |
Trade_ Address. Country. Identifier |
The country code of the address of this carrier acceptance location. |
eFTI147 |
Trade_ Address. Country Sub-Division Name. Text |
Country sub-division name |
The name of the country sub-division of the address of this carrier acceptance location. |
eFTI148 |
Trade_ Address. Building Number. Text |
The building number of the address of this carrier acceptance location. |
eFTI151 |
Trade_ Address. Additional_ Street Name. Text |
The house number of the street or the place of the address of this carrier acceptance location. |
ASBIE1390 |
Supply Chain_ Consignment. Transshipment. Logistics_ Location |
The location where this consignment will be, or has been, transshipped. |
eFTI1326 |
Logistics_ Location. Identification. Identifier |
The identifier of the transshipment location, such as a United Nations Location Code (UN/LOCODE). |
eFTI1327 |
Identification Scheme Agency. Identifier |
Identification scheme agency code |
The code of the agency that maintains the identification scheme. |
UN/ECE (United Nations - Economic Commission for Europe) |
eFTI1328 |
Logistics_ Location. Name. Text |
The name of the transshipment location. |
ASBIE1051 |
Supply Chain_ Consignment. Consignee Receipt. Logistics_ Location |
Consignee receipt location |
The location at which this consignment will be, or has been, received by the consignee. |
eFTI152 |
Logistics_ Location. Identification. Identifier |
The identifier of this consignee receipt location, such as a United Nations Location Code (UN/LOCODE). |
eFTI153 |
Identification Scheme Agency. Identifier |
Identification scheme agency code |
The code of the agency that maintains the identification scheme. |
UN/ECE (United Nations - Economic Commission for Europe) |
eFTI154 |
Logistics_ Location. Name. Text |
The name of the consignee receipt location. |
ASBIE1052 |
Logistics_ Location. Physical. Geographical Coordinate |
The geographical coordinates of the consignee receipt location. |
eFTI155 |
Geographical Coordinate. Latitude. Measure |
The latitude of the consignee receipt location. |
eFTI156 |
Geographical Coordinate. Longitude. Measure |
The longitude of the consignee receipt location. |
ASBIE1053 |
Logistics_ Location. Postal. Trade_ Address |
The postal address for the consignee receipt location. |
eFTI157 |
Trade_ Address. Postcode. Code |
The postal code of the address for the consignee receipt location. |
eFTI160 |
Trade_ Address. Street Name. Text |
The street name of the address of the consignee receipt location. |
eFTI161 |
Trade_ Address. City Name. Text |
The name of the city, town or village of the address of the consignee receipt location. |
eFTI162 |
Trade_ Address. Country. Identifier |
The country code of the address of the consignee receipt location. |
eFTI163 |
Trade_ Address. Country Sub-Division Name. Text |
Country sub-division name |
The country sub-division name of the address of the consignee receipt location. |
eFTI164 |
Trade_ Address. Building Number. Text |
The building number of the address of the consignee receipt location. |
eFTI167 |
Trade_ Address. Additional_ Street Name. Text |
The house number of the street or the place of the address of the consignee receipt location. |
ASBIE1055 |
Supply Chain_ Consignment. Transport Contract. Referenced_ Document |
The transport document evidencing the transport contract for the consignment that is being transported such as an air waybill for air freight, rail or road consignment note or bill of lading for maritime or inland water. |
eFTI168 |
Referenced_ Document. URI_ Identification. Identifier |
The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of the transport document. |
eFTI169 |
Referenced_ Document. Type. Code |
The code specifying the type of the transport document. |
eFTI170 |
Referenced_ Document. Identification. Identifier |
The identifier of this referenced document. |
eFTI171 |
Referenced_ Document. Formatted_ Issue. Date Time |
The issue date/time of the transport document. |
eFTI1025 |
Date Time. Format. Text |
The code of the format of the date/time content. |
eFTI1330 |
Referenced_ Document. Subtype. Code |
A code specifying the subtype of the transport document. |
ASBIE1056 |
Referenced_ Document. Issue. Logistics_ Location |
The issue location of the transport document. |
eFTI172 |
Logistics_ Location. Name. Text |
The name of the issue location of the transport document. |
ASBIE1285 |
Referenced_ Document. Contractual. Document_ Clause |
A contractual clause of this transport document. |
eFTI1177 |
Document_ Clause. Content. Text |
The text of a contractual clause of the transport document. |
ASBIE1057 |
Supply Chain_ Consignment. Associated. Referenced_ Document |
Trade shipment references |
Any document associated with this consignment, such as a certificate of origin, despatch note or dangerous goods note. |
eFTI177 |
Referenced_ Document. Type. Code |
Additional document type code |
The code of the type of the associated document. |
General cargo summary manifest report |
Customs declaration for cargo examination |
Cross docking despatch advice |
Transshipment despatch advice |
Intercontainer transfer document |
eFTI179 |
Referenced_ Document. Identification. Identifier |
The identifier of the associated document. |
eFTI181 |
Referenced_ Document. Reference_ Type. Code |
The code specifying the reference type of this associated document. |
ASBIE1286 |
Referenced_ Document. Issuer. Trade_ Party |
The issuer of the associated document. |
eFTI1178 |
Trade_ Party. Name. Text |
The name of the issuer of the associated document. |
ASBIE1287 |
Trade_ Party. Specified. Representative_ Person |
The specified representative person for the issuer of the associated document. |
eFTI1179 |
Representative_ Person. Name. Text |
The name of the issuer representative person. |
ASBIE1443 |
Referenced_ Document. Attached. Specified_ Binary File |
A binary file attached to the associated document. |
eFTI183 |
Specified_ Binary File. Identification. Identifier |
The identifier of the attached binary file. |
eFTI185 |
Specified_ Binary File. Included. Binary Object |
The binary object attached to the associated document. |
eFTI186 |
Binary Object. Uniform Resource. Identifier |
The unique Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for this specified binary file. |
eFTI187 |
Binary Object. Filename. Text |
The filename of the binary object. |
ASBIE1058 |
Supply Chain_ Consignment. Delivery. Transport_ Event |
Consignment delivery event |
The delivery event for this consignment. |
eFTI188 |
Transport_ Event. Actual_ Occurrence. Date Time |
Actual occurrence date time |
The actual delivery date/time for this consignment. |
eFTI189 |
Date Time. Format. Text |
The code of the format of the date/time content. |
eFTI190 |
Transport_ Event. Scheduled_ Occurrence. Date Time |
Scheduled occurrence date time |
The scheduled delivery date/time for this consignment. |
eFTI191 |
Date Time. Format. Text |
The code of the format of the date/time content. |
eFTI1180 |
Transport_ Event. Requested_ Occurrence. Date Time |
Requested occurrence date time |
The requested delivery date/time for this consignment. |
eFTI1181 |
Date Time. Format. Text |
The code of the format of the date/time content. |
ASBIE1059 |
Transport_ Event. Occurrence. Logistics_ Location |
Consignment delivery location |
The delivery location for this consignment. |
eFTI192 |
Logistics_ Location. Identification. Identifier |
The identifier of the delivery event for this consignment. |
eFTI193 |
Identification Scheme Agency. Identifier |
Identification scheme agency code |
The code of the agency that maintains the identification scheme. |
eFTI194 |
Logistics_ Location. Name. Text |
The name of the delivery location for this consignment. |
ASBIE1288 |
Transport_ Event. Related. Specified_ Observation |
An observation related to this delivery event. |
ASBIE1290 |
Specified_ Observation. Applicable. Note |
A note providing information applicable to this delivery event observation. |
eFTI1192 |
Note. Content. Text |
Textual content of this note. |
eFTI1193 |
Note. Subject. Code |
The subject code of this note. |
ASBIE1291 |
Transport_ Event. Scheduled_ Occurrence. Specified_ Period |
Scheduled occurrence period |
A scheduled period of time during which this delivery event should occur. |
eFTI1195 |
Specified_ Period. Duration. Measure |
A measure of the duration of this delivery event. |
eFTI1196 |
Measure Unit. Code |
A code specifying a unit of measure. |
eFTI1197 |
Specified_ Period. Start. Date Time |
The start date of this scheduled delivery period. |
eFTI1198 |
Date Time. Format. Text |
The code of the format of the date/time content. |
eFTI1199 |
Specified_ Period. End. Date Time |
The end date/time of this scheduled delivery period. |
eFTI1200 |
Date Time. Format. Text |
The code of the format of the date/time content. |
eFTI1201 |
Specified_ Period. Maximum_ Duration. Measure |
A measure of the maximum duration of this delivery event. |
eFTI1202 |
Measure Unit. Code |
A code specifying a unit of measure. |
ASBIE1061 |
Supply Chain_ Consignment. Transport. Transport_ Event |
A transport related event occurring during the transport of this supply chain consignment. |
ASBIE1062 |
Transport_ Event. Certifying. Trade_ Party |
The certifying party for this transport event. |
eFTI195 |
Trade_ Party. Identification. Identifier |
The identifier of the certifying party of this transport event. |
eFTI196 |
Identification Scheme Agency. Identifier |
Identification scheme agency code |
The code of the agency that maintains the identification scheme. |
ASBIE1063 |
Trade_ Party. Specified. Authoritative Signatory_ Person |
Authoritative signatory person |
The person who has the authority to sign on behalf of the certifying party. |
eFTI200 |
Authoritative Signatory_ Person. Name. Text |
The name of the person who has been authorised to sign on behalf of the certifying party. |
eFTI198 |
Authoritative Signatory_ Person. Identification. Identifier |
The identifier of the person who has been authorised to sign on behalf of the certifying party. |
ASBIE1064 |
Trade_ Party. Confirmed. Document_ Authentication |
Confirmed document authentication |
The confirmation by the certifying party that this document is authenticated as genuine. |
eFTI218 |
Document_ Authentication. Actual. Date Time |
The date/time of this confirmed document authentication. |
eFTI219 |
Date Time. Format. Text |
The code of the format of the date/time content. |